Family offices have been a hot topic for discussion in Hong Kong, especially in light of recent government policy initiatives aimed at promoting the sector. Multi-family offices are an important, but sometimes misunderstood, part of that discussion. Recently, PWMA and the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) partnered to focus on this subsector in a seminar entitled “Multi-Family Offices (MFOs) – Introduction and Trends.” Our speakers Elton Cheung, Angel Chia, Cindy Chong and Markus Haeny first illustrated the differences between single-family offices (SFOs) and multi-family offices (MFOs) together with our moderator Jennifer Hsieh. They then discussed the range of services that MFOs provide, how they work together with other financial institutions and future MFO trends.
The topic was clearly of interest, with around 400 physical and virtual participants joining the event.