PWMA很榮幸能與香港投資基金公會 (HKIFA) 和中央國債登記結算有限責任公司 (@CCDC) 合辦於5月18日舉行的網絡研討會「中國綠色債券市場和及ESG估值分析」。
在研討會中,講者們解釋了中國綠色債券市場的背景、市場概況及其政策,並對中國綠色債券市場的應用及未來趨勢進行深入分析。另外,來自中國人壽資產管理有限公司 (China Life Asset Management)的嘉賓講者探討了ESG評級方法及指標,以及介紹其下ESG相關的產品。
PWMA was honoured to co-organize our 18 May webinar with the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association (HKIFA) and China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd. (CCDC) on the topic “Overview of China’s Green Bond Market and ESG Valuation”.
In the webinar, our speakers gave presentations on the background, market overview and policies of the China Green Bond market, and provided an analysis on its applications and future trends. Furthermore, our guest speaker from China Life Asset Management discussed his firm’s ESG rating methodology and introduced its ESG-related products.
PWMA members: we hope to see you in our next webinar!